“Can being out of alignment cause knee pain?”
I have knee pain and want to fix it. Can being out of alignment cause knee pain?
6 Answers
It is possible that the L3 nerve can produce knee pain. It will take a examination and possibly xrays to figure out what is the cause of your knee pain.
It is possible. Find a chiropractor or trusted physician near you to do an evaluation. It is important to have your knee looked at as well as your whole body to determine the cause of the knee pain. For example, is it coming from poor foot biomechanics, poor pelvic alignment, muscle or ligament injury, arthritic changes? Until you have an evaluation to determine what specifically is causing the pain, you just don't know.
Great question! There are many reasons for knee pain and one of them is misalignment. Please have a chiropractor check your knee. One major reason for pain is also very tight muscles..
Yes, as the misalignment can translate all the way down though the body. Everything is connected so all must be looked at and aligned. We look at the body as being a whole piece where every part plays into the symphony which is your body. This different from the medical where things are treated as individual parts.