Orthodontist Questions Orthodontist

Can braces cause TMJ?

I am a 32 year old male. I wonder if braces can cause TMJ?

8 Answers

In my office, we treat tmj with braces.
It may!
Tooth position can lead to or contribute to Temporal mandibular disease (TMD), meaning moving your teeth can give you problems in that joint, but also moving your teeth can help solve those problems, too.
It is possible for braces to "cause" TMJ if the bite is not finished properly. Most certified orthodontic specialists will finish the bite properly and any TMJ symptoms will disappear.

Dr. Colin Gibson

Yes, but ask your Orthodontist or dentist to explain further.
Actually it is the exact opposite. Braces will put your teeth in the most ideal position if done correctly. This should make your bite ideal and may actually prevent TMJ from occurring or it may make it go away if you already have it. There is no guarantee of course but the chances of getting TMJ are dramatically better if your teeth and bite are in the ideal position.
Braces on the exterior of the teeth cannot cause TMJ. However, the movement of your teeth may cause interferences and you need to address this question with your orthodontist to make sure your bite is correct as your teeth are moved. Sometimes the ache on the teeth when the braces are first adjusted could mimic TMJ. Your orthodontist should be aware from patient feedback as to what your "bite status" is so make sure to communicate all problems with your orthodontist. He/she may have to take further impressions and/or radiographs as your teeth shift to make further diagnosis as you progress.

Most pain from “TMJ” is dull, achey muscle pain, unless you’ve had trauma to the joint. Also, “TMJ” problems can be demonstrated by popping or clicking noises from the area in front of the ear, meaning damage has occurred. Not usually any problems just from braces.