Dentist Questions Dentist

Can crowns straighten front teeth?

I want to straighten my front teeth. Can crowns straighten front teeth?

6 Answers

Yes depending on how misaligned your teeth are but usually is possible.
Yes sometimes in front teeth but mainly teeth are straightened out by orthodontics or braces.
Crowns can straighten teeth, however you must see if crowns is the correct treatment? sometimes porcelain dental veneers can do that too, Best is orthodontics, If your teeth are healthy and have no fillings, I do recommend you to do the most conservative treatment which is orthodontics or possibly even invisalign.
For more info on veneers Los Angeles, or dental crowns in LA please click here:
Hello. It depends how crooked your front teeth are and your bite.
Absolutely. Sometimes older patients come in with crooked lower teeth and want invisalign. If the teeth are broken down chipped and stained, I will often say, "how about we do 4 to 6 crowns down there ans straighten them up and give you really noce looking white teeth in the process?
Ideally we want to perform ortho treatment (braces/aligners) before we start cutting teeth. But depending on the severity we could bypass the ortho phase however for a long term health I would advise against bypassing ortho and getting crowns to straighten your teeth