“Can dry eyes cause blurred vision after Lasik?”
I am a 23 year old female. I want to know if dry eyes can cause blurred vision after Lasik?
10 Answers
Dr. Elizabeth Chiang
Ophthalmologist | Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Painesville, OH
Yes, dry eyes can cause blurred vision, whether or not you have had LASIK. LASIK does increase the development of dry eyes.
Dryness of the eyes can occur after LASIK. The tear layering on the eye surface contributes to the clarity of vision, and if the eyes are dry, the vision can become reversibly blurred.
Dry eyes is the most common reason for blurry vision after LASIK. The surface of your eye is actually not smooth; the tear film smoothes out the surface, so it is "glassy" and clear. In fact, the tear film itself is a complicated, dynamic structure. Basically, there's a protein layer, a water layer and on the very front surface, there is a lipid layer. If any of these components is not sufficient, you will not see clearly. After LASIK, the nerve function is diminished due to the creation of the flap, so your eyes will make less tears temporarily. Over time, the nerves grow back and your sensation gets back to normal. Once this happens, your tear film should normalize, if it was normal before surgery. It takes 6-9 months for the nerves to fully return to normal, so you need to add artificial tears to your eyes to prevent dryness and blurry vision for several months after surgery.
Hope this helps you understand why dry eyes can create blurry vision after LASIK.
Hope this helps you understand why dry eyes can create blurry vision after LASIK.
Many issues can cause blurred vision after LASIK, including dry eyes. You should see your surgeon.
Best Regards,
David J. Pinhas, M.D.
Best Regards,
David J. Pinhas, M.D.
Dry eyes can cause blurred vision. It is important to visit your eye doctor to rule out any other cause of blurred vision.