“Can eating ice harm my teeth?”
I have a habit of eating ice frequently. My teeth sometimes feel sensitive afterwards. Can this damage my teeth?
10 Answers
Yes. Even though it is frozen water and it seems like it should be harmless it can break the teeth apart and you should try to replace that habit with something less destructive.
If you have a habit of crunching on Ice make sure it's shaved ice, blocked ice cubes can be very calm attic to the delicate edges of the front teeth especially but sometimes if you crunch on back teeth larger feelings make the back teeth weaker around the cusp and you may endanger breaking one which will be very painful and expensive to repair it's not worth it.
Good question. I'm a dentist and I have cracked two teeth because of ice. One needed a root canal. The other needed a crown. I have stopped chewing ice.
Chewing ice is a serious hazard for teeth. The combination of extreme cold and pressure can cause breakage of teeth and restorations.
Ice chewing is a bad habit which, unfortunately, is very common, especially among younger people. People who have this habit should stop chewing ice, ASAP. There are two primary reasons why chewing ice so bad. As you might guess, since ice is very hard, it can cause cracked or chipped teeth. Also, ice can cause sudden dramatic changes in a tooth’s temperature, which can also cause it to crack.
Ice chewing puts tremendous stress on the teeth. I would avoid this behavior. If not a chance of tooth fracture, sensitivity and possible root canal or tooth loss is probable.