Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

Can endoscopy detect stomach problems?

I have had stomach pain already 2 weeks. What could be the cause? Can endoscopy detect stomach problems?

4 Answers

Any stomach problems that have an anatomic etiology will be discovered with an endoscopy and biopsy.
Yes, endoscopy can detect stomach problems. It can be very helpful to look for ulcers, a stomach infection, celiac disease, polyps, etc.
Endoscopy is an excellent tool to diagnose and sometimes treat stomach problems. However, this procedure is typically recommended for patients with chronic symptoms. The fact you have only had problems for 2 weeks would not warrant an endoscopy as your symptoms have a high likelihood of going away on their own.
There are many causes of stomach pain, too many to list. Yes, endoscopy can detect stomach problems. On the other hand, some stomach problems occur even if the stomach looks normal on endoscopy.