Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

Enlarged heart?

I've been back and forth with my GP for a few months because of tightening in my throat, chest, and shortness of breath. Anyway, I was told it was anxiety but because of stomach swelling, they sent me for an endoscopy which discovered I have multiple sessile polyps. Anyway I went back to the GP said I can't breathe. I have swelling on my ankles so she said we send you for an x-ray. My x-ray then came back with an enlarged heart. I've asked for pumps or something to help me breathe. I get severe breathing problems and can't lay flat or on my back. My GP told me it won't help me but I can't breathe. I don't know what to do I'm on no medication for it. I have to wait a few months for an appointment to see a special doctor.

Female | 47 years old
Conditions: I have scolosis epalispy nerve damage arthritis too

1 Answer

Enlarged hearts with swollen ankles plus difficulty breathing collectively are consistent with congestive heart failure syndrome. Diuretic therapy is warranted. And heart medication is also essential to unload your heart. If you have asthma or chronic bronchitis then an inhaler is needed.
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