“Can excessive social media use affect children's sleep?”
My 14 year old is always using social media. I want to know can excessive social media use affect children's sleep?
3 Answers
Using social media just like video games prior to bedtime can affect anyone’s ability to fall asleep. It's like trying to stop a car with your foot still on the accelerator.
Excessive social media can impact children's and adults' sleep patterns, moods, etc. It is so important to be aware of what are kids are watching/hearing. Being an involved parent keeps you up to date with your kids' future.
It can definitely affect sleep. First, exposure to light from the computer or phone screen tends to delay sleep. Secondly, getting engaged in social media can cause strong emotion, which can also disrupt sleep. It is best to turn the phone and the computer off in the evening in advance of scheduled sleep times. I expect that may cause some complaining from your son/daughter.