Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can getting your neck adjusted help with headaches?

I am a 29 year old female. I want to know if getting your neck adjusted can help with headaches?

6 Answers

Absolutely a Chiropractic adjustment can help with headaches. Nerves come out of the holes and the bones in your neck and they intervened in the next shoulder which is a head region... Removing pressure on the nerves will alleviate pain.
Yes. Depending on what is going on, I have helped thousands of people with headaches through neck adjustments.
Yes, in my opinion having a neck and upper back adjustment can help reduce tension headaches. Make sure to have the doctor show you how to stretch your neck and upper back following the adjustment as it can help hold your adjustment.
Of course! That's one of the symptoms most helped by chiropractors every day!
Typically yes.
Depending on the type of headache you have, getting a neck adjustment can help with relieving your headache.