Dental Hygienist Questions Implant Dentistry

Can implant infection be cured?

I was diagnosed with an implant infection. Can implant infection be cured?

2 Answers

Yes, an implant infection, known as peri-implantitis, can often be treated effectively, especially if caught early. Treatment focuses on controlling the infection, removing bacteria, and preserving the implant and surrounding bone. At Elite Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of Oklahoma, Dr. Jeremy Egan, DMD, MD, offers a range of options to manage and treat implant infections to support successful healing.

Treatment Options for an Implant Infection

1. Professional Cleaning and Debridement
For mild infections, Dr. Egan may perform a deep cleaning around the implant area, using specialized tools to remove bacteria, plaque, and tartar from the surface of the implant and surrounding gum tissue. This debridement can reduce inflammation and allow the gums to heal.
2. Antibiotic Therapy
Antibiotics may be prescribed to help control the bacterial infection. Depending on the severity of the infection, antibiotics can be taken orally, applied topically to the implant area, or sometimes delivered locally at the infection site. Dr. Egan will determine the best antibiotic approach based on your specific case.
3. Antibacterial Mouth Rinse
Using an antibacterial mouth rinse, such as chlorhexidine, can help reduce bacteria in the mouth and support healing around the implant site. This rinse is typically used alongside other treatments to prevent further bacterial growth.
4. Laser Therapy
Laser therapy is a minimally invasive option that can target bacteria around the implant without harming the surrounding tissue. Laser treatment may help reduce infection and inflammation, promoting faster healing.
5. Surgical Intervention (for Advanced Cases)
In more advanced cases of peri-implantitis, surgical intervention may be necessary to clean the infected area thoroughly. This process involves lifting the gum tissue around the implant to access and remove infected tissue and bacteria. Bone grafting may also be recommended if there has been significant bone loss around the implant to help rebuild support and ensure the implant’s stability.
6. Bone Grafting (if Bone Loss is Present)
If the infection has caused bone loss around the implant, Dr. Egan may perform a bone graft to restore lost bone tissue. This helps stabilize the implant and supports long-term success by strengthening the surrounding bone structure.

Preventing Future Implant Infections

After treating an implant infection, maintaining good oral hygiene and routine dental visits are crucial to prevent reinfection. Dr. Egan may recommend the following:

• Excellent Home Care: Regular brushing, flossing, and possibly using a water flosser to keep the implant area clean.
• Regular Check-Ups: Routine check-ups allow Dr. Egan to monitor the implant and catch any potential issues early.
• Lifestyle Adjustments: If smoking or other lifestyle factors contributed to the infection, making adjustments can reduce future risks.

Long-Term Outlook

With prompt treatment, most implant infections can be managed successfully. Early intervention is key to preserving the implant and preventing complications. In cases where an implant infection is severe or persistent, Dr. Egan will explore all available options to support a positive outcome.

At Elite Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of Oklahoma, Dr. Jeremy Egan is experienced in diagnosing and treating peri-implantitis to help patients maintain their implants and oral health. By following recommended treatment and care guidelines, you can improve the chances of a full recovery and long-term implant success.
It can sometimes be cured. We usually refer these cases to a periodontist for evaluationand treatment. Lindsay Davidson