“Can iodine contrast cause thyroid problems?”
I will have a CT scan with iodine contrast. Can iodine contrast cause thyroid problems?
6 Answers
Yes, in rare cases, iodine contrast can potentially affect thyroid function, particularly in individuals with pre-existing thyroid conditions. To learn more, connect with me at drjeromepuryear.com. Thank you!
The iodine in the contrast material can affect the thyroid levels. In some individuals, it can increase the levels and in others lower the thyroid levels. Iodine contrast will not change the thyroid size and does not cause cancers to grow. The changes to the thyroid are transient and rarely need to be treated unless there are significant symptoms.
Hello, this is an excellent question. A healthy person, without a history of any thyroid problems or kidney problems, will not have any long-lasting effect of the intravenous contrast. However, if you've already been diagnosed with hypo- or hyper-euthyroidism and/or have kidney disease, I would speak with your doctor and radiologist about the risks and benefits. We often need iodine contrast in order to see fine details on imaging, so there is a balance of risk vs benefit. Hope this helps!
Most studies show contrast medium injection does not affect thyroid function in patients with a normal thyroid. Patients who may be at risk of developing thyrotoxicosis after contrast medium injection are Graves' disease and patients with multinodular goiter with thyroid autonomy. Speak with your doctor about any concerns.