Optometrist Questions Optometrist

Can my eye be fixed

I suffered a broken orbital floor. Now my eye is lower and to me I look deformed

Male | 39 years old
Complaint duration: 4 years
Medications: Suboxone Alprazolam Remron

12 Answers

You should see oculoplastic surgeon for it. We have Dr Choudhary at Berkeley eye center in Gtand Oak, woodland, katy and wesleyan location. She can help you out. Good luck
That sunken in look, also called enophthalmos, is pretty common after an orbital floor fracture. The nest person to ask if this can be repaired is an oculoplastic surgeon. Where are you located? I will do my best to get you into good hands.
Yes, orbital floor fractures can be surgically repaired with an oculoplastic specialist ophthalmologist.
See an oculoplastic surgeon
Find an ocular plastic eye surgeon and see if anything can be done. Your general ophthalmology or optometrist can recommend someone for you.
You should see an oculoplastic surgeon. There may be a way for a surgical procedure to help with that.
for sure, you need to see an oculoplastic surgeon to fix the orbital floor fracture.
An oculoplastic surgeon would evaluate this and start with a CT scan to
answer your question regarding orbital reconstruction.
It is always difficult to diagnose eye problems only from a picture. But…..first, having an orbital fracture in the past, I would always suggest follow up exams based on your doctors’ diagnosis. From the appearance of your picture, the symmetry of your eyes looks to be OK. A better perspective would be done in an office by an ophthalmologist who is an oculo-plastic surgeon viewing your eyes under a microscope.
What does seem to be present is a droopy left eyelid called a ptosis. The eyelid is actually covering a small area of the colored part of your eye called the iris. Again this should be looked at by an ophthalmologist in order to see if the drooping can be improved, yes, possibly with muscle surgery. So, in order to properly address all of your concerns, an appointment to be seen in person would be your best option. You can then be certain that there are not any other issues with your eyes being dilated, your eye pressures being checked, and a refraction being done to be sure that an eyeglass prescription is or is not needed. Good luck and best wishes.
I would look up "Oculoplastic" in your area and see what he/she would recommend. They are surgeons that deal with surgery and cosmetics in and around the eyes.
There is likely a solution to your eye issue. You would want to talk to an opthalmologist to find the options in your specific case. An oculoplastic surgeon is the specific type of opthalmologist that deals with this issue most often.
You require Oculoplastic surgeon