Cardiologist Questions Sotalol

Can my primary family doctor prescribe my sotalol?

I have been taking sotalol (beta pace) for 7 years for afib. Recently, I was forced to switch cardiologists because my original one went to another medical field. I don’t feel like the new doctor takes me seriously or even cares. I went a week ago to him for chest pain and shortness of breath, not serious painful pain but a pain that comes and goes and is mild but I feel as if neither him nor his nurse believed me because my EKG was fine and my bp was good. My brother had open-heart surgery at 63. Mom has angina and a past heart attack she was actually unaware of when it occurred. My dad died at 67 from heart failure. I have been under heavy duress the last year. Can my primary family doctor prescribe my sotalol? I truly dread changing cardiologists again. He set my next appointment for a year and a half away. I just want to make sure I can continue to get the afib med-sotalol that's all I am worried about right now.

Male | 61 years old
Complaint duration: A few weeks
Medications: Sotalol 120x2 gabapentin 300mg x 3 bupropion 100x3 baby aspirin 81x1
Conditions: Recent radiation treatments following radical prostatectomy, 2 hernia surgerys, one knee surgery nerve decompression surgery on elbow all these within last 3 yrs

3 Answers

You can schedule an appointment with your PCP who can evaluate you to see if sotalol would be appropriate for you at this time. You can take you records with you too so that the PCP can get a better idea.
Yes, sir, but always follow up with cardiology for possible optimization of meds.
Please talk to your PCP about this.