“Can obesity be reversed?”
I am obese. Can obesity be reversed?
9 Answers
Obesity can be reversed. It takes time, commitment, and a multi-functional approach for true healing. For coaching on how: newmansacupiltes@gmail.com
Sometimes, yes. A lot is going to depend on how disciplined you can be and what other health issues may create roadblocks.
The first thing I'd do is get with your primary care provider and get a full workup. At the same time you should get their opinion on exercise - whether or not you'd be clear to engage in some level of activity.
The next thing you need to do is adjust your diet. More than half of any weight loss is going to be diet driven - it is virtually impossible to out exercise a poor eating plan.
Different people do better or worse on different eating plans. There are a variety of ways you can approach this: vegetarian/vegan, keto, paleo, mediterranean, intermittent fasting. You're going to need to research these and try a few in order to see what works best for you and your situation. When I say try, I mean you're going to need to be serious about that eating style for at least 90 days.
There are meds on the market which can help. The GLP-1 receptor agonists (ozempic, trulicity, etc.) have been shown to help people eat less and lose weight. These meds have potential side-effects and it would be up to your primary care provider to decide whether or not they're appropriate for you.
If you're clear for exercise, start exercising. Walking, even short distances, consistently will help. Any sort of weight-bearing exercise will help to build muscle which will increase your overall metabolic rate. Look for low impact initially and ramp things up as the weight starts to come off.
Many people who struggle with weight have issues around food. Sometimes they grew up in a food insecure environment, sometimes they use food as a band-aid for other psychological injuries. Getting some therapy is often very beneficial for understanding why a person has certain behaviors around food, and therapy can help to change those behaviors.
Here's, at least in my opinion, the most important thing: you are going to fail and you're going to backslide. You have to be able to pick yourself up, realize what you were doing wasn't working, and try again. Obesity isn't going to be corrected in a few months; it's likely going to take you a year or two to get the weight off in a healthy way.
The first thing I'd do is get with your primary care provider and get a full workup. At the same time you should get their opinion on exercise - whether or not you'd be clear to engage in some level of activity.
The next thing you need to do is adjust your diet. More than half of any weight loss is going to be diet driven - it is virtually impossible to out exercise a poor eating plan.
Different people do better or worse on different eating plans. There are a variety of ways you can approach this: vegetarian/vegan, keto, paleo, mediterranean, intermittent fasting. You're going to need to research these and try a few in order to see what works best for you and your situation. When I say try, I mean you're going to need to be serious about that eating style for at least 90 days.
There are meds on the market which can help. The GLP-1 receptor agonists (ozempic, trulicity, etc.) have been shown to help people eat less and lose weight. These meds have potential side-effects and it would be up to your primary care provider to decide whether or not they're appropriate for you.
If you're clear for exercise, start exercising. Walking, even short distances, consistently will help. Any sort of weight-bearing exercise will help to build muscle which will increase your overall metabolic rate. Look for low impact initially and ramp things up as the weight starts to come off.
Many people who struggle with weight have issues around food. Sometimes they grew up in a food insecure environment, sometimes they use food as a band-aid for other psychological injuries. Getting some therapy is often very beneficial for understanding why a person has certain behaviors around food, and therapy can help to change those behaviors.
Here's, at least in my opinion, the most important thing: you are going to fail and you're going to backslide. You have to be able to pick yourself up, realize what you were doing wasn't working, and try again. Obesity isn't going to be corrected in a few months; it's likely going to take you a year or two to get the weight off in a healthy way.
Once our body cells have expanded, it's difficult to maintain a lower cell size after losing weight. But there are many ways to deal with obesity and lose weight. It's a process and requires patience and persistence.
We can "reverse" our percent body fat and put the "obesity" in remission. To date, we don't have the genetic tools to reverse a disease process because that is generally in our genetic blueprint of survival. It is tough with all of the processed foods as well as all of the hormones in the food we consume that exacerbate the obesity, then we add the gluten in our wheat and it is a disaster. With everything seemingly working against us, even when we try, it is harder than it was 50 years ago. I recommend working with a skilled Bariatric Physician to meet your specific needs, and to use medications to help if needed. In my experience, 2 out of 3 people who battle with obesity can not succeed on their own and that is discouraging. We can't will obesity away in the same manner as we can't will cancer away. We can decrease the body fat and put it in remission which will include long term limitation of carbohydrates and a focus on protein. To find a Bariatric Physician in your area go to:
If you can't find one, you are welcome to come to my office and I can treat you. I treat patients all over the United States. I know exactly what my patients are going through as I battle obesity, my family reunions have shown me what my outlook is if I don't do everything in my power to keep my obesity in remission, too.
If you can't find one, you are welcome to come to my office and I can treat you. I treat patients all over the United States. I know exactly what my patients are going through as I battle obesity, my family reunions have shown me what my outlook is if I don't do everything in my power to keep my obesity in remission, too.
Obesity is considered reversible with some hard work. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) (of which acupuncture is part of), obesity is not considered a genetic issue. It is generally considered a food addiction. And with all the addictive behaviors, it is definitely a multifaceted issue that needs a multi pronged approach. My recommendation to patients is to go to nutritionist to learn proper nutrition, try weight watchers or noom, go to a free 12 step program like Overeaters Anonymous where one can learn the tools to deal with compulsive overeating, pursue therapy to address underlying psychological difficulties and use acupuncture to help increase metabolism and reduce the anxiety that often leads to emotional eating. Additionally there are TCM herbal formulas that can help increase metabolism as well as decrease anxiety. Like with all addictions, obesity is not just a one solution fix. Hope this answers some of your questions. Jody Eisemann, L.Ac., NCCAOM Main Office: 9 Mott Ave. Suite 206B Norwalk, CT 06850 www.AcupunctureHealingCT.com (203) 216-2548 jeisemann2@gmail.com
Yes. You will need to correct your diet. Acupuncture, combined with herbs, and sometimes massage, can help you relieve your weight gradually. You will need 2-3 sessions a week for 6-8 weeks to see results. I suggest you combine with a healthy diet.