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Why have I lost my appetite?

I haven’t really eaten in three days almost four days. Every day I take two nibbles of food and I have a loss of appetite the rest of the day. I’m not pregnant because I’m currently on my menstrual cycle. I have pain in my stomach that is not persistent but at times can be pretty painful. It’s causing me to be a jerk to people because of the pain. I was in the ER two months ago which I had blood work done and the doctor said everything was normal. I am currently not on any medication and I don’t have any health issues besides being overweight and I had pretty severe asthma when I was a child. Other than that I’m not quite sure what else to tell you. It’s not all the time I feel bad though, just at times where I’m offered food or I feel really hungry to the point my stomach is growling but I still can’t eat. At times today, I started feeling a little weak so I got down a meal replacement, I’m drinking well over a gallon of water a day because I work a physically demanding job.

Female | 24 years old
Complaint duration: 4 days
Medications: N/A
Conditions: N/A

1 Answer

Based on your history, you are not eating in off calories to support you body. The best way to lose weight is by eating few smaller portions of food, sufficient to feel full and exercise. Please, see a healthcare provider and a nutritionist to help you with your diet. In addition, you stomach pain could be an stomach ulcer which needs to be check by your provider or a gastroenterologist. It sounds like a good plan for you to get better. Thank you..