“Can receding gums be restored?”
I have gum recession and want to fix it. Can receding gums be restored?
6 Answers
Receding gums can be restored depending on the level of bone loss. Your dentist or dental specialist can address this with you.
That's a great question. If the recession is a small amount and whatever factors caused it is changed, usually, I don't recommend any treatment to the gums. They don't grow back. If the amount is larger, the root surface can be covered with a skin graft is a surgical procedure.
It is NOT a simple procedure. You should consult a PERIODONTIST (gum specialist). Every case is different, A proper diagnosis should be made to discover the CAUSE of gum recession. It could be traumatic occlusion, gum disease, food impaction, bone loss. overbrushing etc. A good Periodontist can figure it out. Sometimes sliding or free gingival grafts are needed.
Yes, in some cases. The best way to discover the most accurate answers is to make an appointment with a periodontist, a dental specialist whose primary job is to save gum tissue whenever possible and replace it when appropriate.
You can increase the height and attachment of your gums with a connective tissue graft. In this procedure, gum tissue is harvested from the roof of your mouth and attached to gum tissues at the point(s) of recession.
You will typically see a Periodontist or gum specialist for this procedure. They will typically provide an informed consent discussion and explain that they cannot guarantee that the new and improved gum levels will last long-term.
Gum grafting does, however, have a high success rate for thickening gum tissue to stop further recession. So a gum graft is very likely to help you stop further gum recession but increased attachment and gum height should be viewed as a bonus if acheived.
You will typically see a Periodontist or gum specialist for this procedure. They will typically provide an informed consent discussion and explain that they cannot guarantee that the new and improved gum levels will last long-term.
Gum grafting does, however, have a high success rate for thickening gum tissue to stop further recession. So a gum graft is very likely to help you stop further gum recession but increased attachment and gum height should be viewed as a bonus if acheived.