Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

Can speech delay be fixed?

My daughter has a speech delay. Can speech delay be fixed?

4 Answers

Speech delay can be from many causes - such as hearing loss, a tied tongue or a learning disability. Finding the cause of the speech delay is the first task. Then you can look for a way to "fix" it.
Yes. Depends on the reason. If not fixed can be improved. In most cases it is fixed.
Yes. Depending on the cause. Speech delay is complex. Referral to a pediatric neurologist or developmental pediatrician specialist may be wise. Often referral to a board certified speech therapist is sufficient to help progress.
Delays are delays, not disorders. Meaning that your child is just behind at this time. Speech/language disorders and delays can be addressed by a Speech-Language Pathologist. As far as being fixed, it really depends on what is causing the delay or disorder. Most delays can be remediated.