Urologist Questions Erectile Dysfunction

Can't get an erection

For some reason I can't get an erection although I can still ejaculate. I am wondering if this may be caused by an enlarged prostate because I urinate far more frequently than I used. Also my last sexual encounter with my girlfriend I ejaculated an excessive amount.

Male | 47 years old
Medications: None
Conditions: None

1 Answer

Ejaculation and erection are not associated exclusively. Unfortunately, if you're not getting an erection sometimes, it may be due to new medications you have started most likely blood pressure medicines and allergy medicine. There may be an underlying medical condition causing this. You need to get your cholesterol checked and your blood pressure checked. An easy fix is daily Cialis to help augment the blood flow to the penis. We also have found that people who excessively bike sometimes have erectile dysfunction.
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