Dentist Questions Dentist

Can teeth be sensitive without a cavity?

I have sensitive teeth. I see no cavities. Can teeth be sensitive without a cavity?

5 Answers

Yes sometimes there is gum recession which exposes the root of the tooth causing sensitivity.
Yes, teeth can be sensitive without having a cavity. Sometimes, too, it’s difficult to recognize a cavity by visual inspection. That’s why dentists employ the use of radiographs in cavity diagnosis. You can also experience sensitivity due to demineralization of the enamel. It shows on teeth as a whitish spot. In addition, teeth can be sensitive due to deposit accumulation under the gum.

Dr. Quincy Attipoe
Yes. Grinding or an abnormal bite can cause sensitivity.
Yes, that is normal, but should go away. If it doesn’t, contact your dentist.

Dr. Laurentis Barnett
Yes, there are multiple reasons to be sensitive. Depends on what kind of sensitivity. Just because you can’t see a cavity doesn’t mean there isn’t one