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Dr. Brian Ernest Drew, DDS


Dr. Brian Ernest Drew DDS is a top Dentist in Shawnee, . With a passion for the field and an unwavering commitment to their specialty, Dr. Brian Ernest Drew DDS is an expert in changing the lives of their patients for the better. Through their designated cause and expertise in the field, Dr. Brian Ernest Drew DDS is a prime example of a true leader in healthcare. As a leader and expert in their field, Dr. Brian Ernest Drew DDS is passionate about enhancing patient quality of life. They embody the values of communication, safety, and trust when dealing directly with patients. In Shawnee, OK, Dr. Brian Ernest Drew DDS is a true asset to their field and dedicated to the profession of medicine.
Dr. Brian Ernest Drew, DDS
  • Shawnee, OK
  • Accepting new patients

Can implant infection be fixed?

It is possible. Need to have it checked by the surgeon who placed it. Sometimes it may require removal of the implant

Is implant surgery painful?

usually not. A very simple procedure done with anesthetic like any other dental work

What is the best toothpaste for bleeding gums?

probably parodontax. But bleeding gums is a sign of gingivitis and you need to get your teeth cleaned in the dental office

Which dental implants last the longest?

Too many variables. Patient doesn't usually have much choice as we know
what is best for each situation

How can I keep food from getting under my partial denture?

Make sure it is tight enough that you can't move it with your tongue. Also needs to be tight enough to not move when you eat. If you had teeth pulled recently, there may be a READ MORE
Make sure it is tight enough that you can't move it with your tongue. Also needs to be tight enough to not move when you eat. If you had teeth pulled recently, there may be a gap due to healing. Last, it will trap food around it, so most people will take their partial out and rinse it after eating.


You can take as long as you want

Tooth Extraction

Sounds like a dry socket because pain medicines don’t help. ER will not be of help. You need to see a dentist. If yours is out of the office, then call another dentist

Tooth Decay

Many possibilities. Most drinks have sugar added. Even diet drinks are acidic. Do you brush and floss? Dry mouth due to disease or medications decrease saliva. The number of READ MORE
Many possibilities. Most drinks have sugar added. Even diet drinks are acidic. Do you brush and floss? Dry mouth due to disease or medications decrease saliva. The number of times your mouth is exposed to sugars or acids

What type of sore is this? Do I need to worry about it?

Not sure. Probably just an irritation fibroma, which is not cancerous. But due to its size should be removed and sent to. A pathologist to look at under a microscope

When can I exercise after dental implant surgery?

That is a question for your surgeon.

When should I replace my veneers?

When you no longer like the way they look

Is it okay to have jaw pain after a root canal?

It is possible as it has to heal now.

Tooth pain/ache

I would get a second opinion. The problem is probably not apparent on an X-ray

How can I fix an overbite?

See an orthodontist

How long will a temporary dental crown last?

Not meant to be on for very long, usually just need a couple of weeks to make the permanent crn. But the temp can last for quite a while

Should I get implants or partial dentures?

Implants are the ideal way to replace missing teeth but also the most expensive

Do I need a dental crown or filling?

That will depend on how big the cavity is and the strength of the remaining tooth structure.

What are the cons of Invisalign?

Limit on results. Quite a few patients finish Invisalign and are not happy w results. So they have traditional braces placed to finish

How can I eat with braces on?

Eat normal Just avoiding hard or sticky foods

How should partial dentures feel?

You should not feel anything poking or pinching.