There are multiple issues that you have drawn attention to and I will try to do my best to make sense of it for you. Below iron is always an issue because it’s very difficult in order to make red blood cells without iron. Calcium is also very important as part of a co-transport system into the cells, the creatinine and the other lab abnormalities can all be a result of the fact that you’re having an inability in order to produce enough hemoglobin because of a lack of iron. One other thing that wasn’t mentioned which could be very important is your menstruation, cycle, and how many pads you go through, and how long it lasts. That is a very common way for women to become anemic through excessive menstrual bleeding. Therefore, I highly recommend that you see your provider and ask about your swollen lymph nodes because if that is the case, I would recommend a fine needle biopsy to find out why your lymph nodes are swollen, as well as possibly a bone marrow biopsy to make sure that your bone marrow is functioning properly. Therefore seeing a hematologist would be beneficial for you to help work through the multiple issues you have. It’s normally easier to make one problem with multiple signs as you described as opposed to having multiple diagnoses because of abnormalities. There’s normally a causal and affect the relationship that results in disease, diagnosis, illness, etc. I hope I was able to be of assistance and I wish you well thank you for asking. God bless.