Hospitalist Questions Hospitalist

Can you be hospitalized for pneumonia?

I am a 20 year old male and I have pneumonia. Can you be hospitalized for pneumonia?

2 Answers

Yes, you can be hospitalized for pneumonia. Pneumonia is caused by viruses, bacteria, and fungi if you are immunosuppressed. It is important to determine the etiology of your pneumonia. Some people feel better and return to their normal routine in 1 to 2 weeks. Pneumonia can be serious and can cause death. I recommend for you to see your health care provider to do the necessary tests. Thank you.
Of course. But it depends on how severe the pneumonia is. In all cases, hospitalizations are dependent on the severity of the illness. Can you breathe? Are you quite short of breath? Do you have a high fever? Are you too weak to get out of bed? Your blood count contains important factors. Is your white blood cell count extremely elevated? Your doctors can make this decision.

William Z. Cohen, M.D., FAAFP