Dentist Questions Dentist

Can you brush away a cavity?

I am a 21 year old male. I want to know if you can brush away a cavity?

9 Answers

There are some incipient lesions (small cavities) that may be arrested (do not get bigger) by brushing and flossing diligently. But after the decay passes a certain point, it cannot be arrested and must be removed and the tooth to get a filling.
Only if it is small enough to be reversible with fluoride can you make it go away with brushing and flossing. If it's big enough for you to see it, you probably need to get it treated by the dentist.
It is not possible to brush away a cavity. It is bacterial decay that must be removed by the dentist then restored.

So many people have asked this question. Unfortunately, no, you cannot. It needs to be fixed with a filling to get rid of the decay process that has started in the tooth.  
The surface of a healthy tooth is hard. A cavity is a soft spot in your tooth. If left untreated, it will get larger and larger. You cannot brush away a cavity.
No. Once you get a cavity you need to get a filling. You can not brush it away. But brushing flossing and a fluoride rinse daily can help prevent new cavities from forming