“Can you chew gum with a traditional dental bridge?”
I have a traditional dental bridge for a missing canine with crowns on my premolar and front tooth. Can I chew gum?
8 Answers
We recommend you avoid gum if you have a dental bridge. If your bridge is removable, gum can be sticky and hard to get out. It's best that chewing gum is avoided completely.
Chewing gum for prolonged periods is never advisable especially with dental work in your mouth. The sticky nature of gum can place your bridge at risk of debonding/becoming loose over time.
I would not recommend chewing gum due to possibility of it popping out, but it is not completely contraindicating.
You should be able to chew gum, I'd allow my patients to do it. If down the road, something comes loose, then it wasn't on there very solid and needs to be recemented anyway. Michael Frith DDS
With a new bridge it is best to avoid chewing gum especially if the bridge
is not permanently cemented.
is not permanently cemented.