“Can you fix scoliosis without surgery?”
I have scoliosis. Can you straighten scoliosis without surgery?
4 Answers
Scoliosis is the result of muscle/fascia strain, bending and twisting the spine, not spine itself unless fractured. Surgery is to force and fixate spine to be artificially straight against natural adaptation and compensation by the body. Not only does it limit movements/function but also cause unwanted strain to the bones and muscles with permanent stiffness and pain, let alone treating its source, i.e. muscle strain. Those strained muscles and fasciae can be released and resolved by light touch (Precision Method with Touch-and-Hold) one site after another taking 6-12 hours. Surgery and physical therapy for stretching are not recommended. It is detailed in my book "NO MOTRE PAIN, All Pain Considered - A Breakthrough", please visit website: NoMorePainClinic.com.
There are muscle strengthening and interventions thought to correct or slow the progression of scoliosis. Depending on the severity and aggressiveness of the curve they may be beneficial and are specific to each individual situation.
yes, to some extent. A stretching/strengthening program may be helpful, but each case should be individualized. Some cases may be severe enough to require surgery.