“Can you fix the nerve damage in the foot?”
I was diagnosed with nerve damage in my foot. Can you fix the nerve damage in the foot?
11 Answers
Yes. A full work up will be needed to determine if the damage is due to nerve compression. If that is the case, then a nerve decompression surgery can be done.
Depends on what is damaged and the cause. Diabetic neuropathies can be helped but rarely cured. Mechanical neuropathy such as tarsal tunnel syndrome or Morton's neuroma can be fixed with injections or surgery.
This depends on the severity of the nerve damage. Please make an appointment with a provider for evaluation.
Nerve damage can be fixed in some cases. It is important that you come in soon, the podiatrist would need to fully evaluate and determine the cause of the nerve damage as well as the extent of the nerve damage. If the nerve was severed/cut, that really cannot be fixed, and the majority of cases most of the time the nerves are very small. If nerve damage is associated with diabetic neuropathy/having a prolonged period of elevated blood glucose levels which will damage the nerves, chemotherapy can damage to nerves, stroke, radiculopathy which is symptoms affecting the lower extremities that are due to lower back problems, there other conditions in the foot such as tarsal tunnel syndrome or neuromas that can have nerve effects on the foot. I do have a product in my office that I used with very good results for nerve damage from multiple host of causes, is really the only thing I have seen to really help this condition. It is possible if the nerve damage is associated with a prior surgery the nerve could be bound up and scar tissue. All of these conditions need to be fully evaluated by a podiatrist.
If a nerve is injured but not cut, your injury is more likely to heal. Injuries in which the nerve has been completely severed are very difficult to treat and recovery may not be possible. If your injury is caused by a medical condition, your primary care doctor or neurologist will treat the underlying condition.
There are many reasons why nerves can be damaged in the foot.
For example, a neuroma consists of inflammation of a nerve going to the toes. It can be treated with shoe modifications, orthotics, padding, infection, surgery etc. Neuropathy is another type of nerve damage. The root cause should be found and attempt at reversing it can be used. For example, patients with diabetes can develop neuropathy. Controlling the blood sugar can sometimes help.
Another type of nerve issue is tarsal tunnel syndrome. It is similar to its better known “cousin” carpal tunnel syndrome. It is inflammation of the tibial nerve and it can have many different causes. These can be mechanical, from a tumor, from varicose veins, etc.
The best way to specifically answer your question is to go see your podiatrist and to be evaluated.
Good luck!
For example, a neuroma consists of inflammation of a nerve going to the toes. It can be treated with shoe modifications, orthotics, padding, infection, surgery etc. Neuropathy is another type of nerve damage. The root cause should be found and attempt at reversing it can be used. For example, patients with diabetes can develop neuropathy. Controlling the blood sugar can sometimes help.
Another type of nerve issue is tarsal tunnel syndrome. It is similar to its better known “cousin” carpal tunnel syndrome. It is inflammation of the tibial nerve and it can have many different causes. These can be mechanical, from a tumor, from varicose veins, etc.
The best way to specifically answer your question is to go see your podiatrist and to be evaluated.
Good luck!
Depends on the reason of nerve damage. in order to find out, please see a local podiatrist or neurologist.
What type of nerve damage? What is the cause of the damage? Is it from a systemic disease? Is it a direct nerve laceration of compression? Is it from radiculopathy? Have you been diagnosed by a neurologist? Have you had nerve studies performed to evaluate the damage? Is it a tarsal tunnel issue? Whoever ‘diagnosed’ your problem should have explained the nature of the issue and discussed possible treatment and outcomes with you.