“Foot neuropathy?”
Male | 70 years old
Medications: tauluin 4mg metorin 750mg linsopril 20mg rosuvatin 40mg fibricor 105mg gemfibozil 600mg
Conditions: diabities
7 Answers
I am sorry to hear that you hear that you are having such a hard time with diabetic neuropathy. There are alternative nerve pain medications that would be more helpful than narcotics such as Lyrica or Neurontin. Pain management consult maybe an option for you as well.
I hope this helps.
Dr. Lui
Pain management should be done by pain management specialist if no other treatment has been successful
I would consider gabapentin. We use a gabapentin compound cream that works very, very well. In choosing through narcotics, Vicodin has the lowest amount of Tylenol, so it's safer than Percocet. OxyContin alone is low strength.