Dentist Questions Dentist

Can you get a bridge on the front teeth?

I have a missing front tooth. I want to get a bridge. Can you get a bridge on the front teeth?

4 Answers

Yes, you can get a bridge and with the advancement in technology, if you have extreme bone loss in the missing tooth area that might make your bridge not look natural, your dentist can instruct the lab to add a gingiva color portion to your bridge that will make it more aesthetically pleasing. You also have options like an implant, but don't wait too long because the longer you wait, the more bone loss and shift in your dentition. Good luck!
Yes! There are many ways to restore your smile.

Yes, you can get a bridge on your front teeth. As long as the neighboring teeth (and all the other teeth for that matter) are healthy enough and have enough anchorage in your jaw bone, you can have this done.
Generally, you can place a dental bridge anywhere if you have one or more healthy, well-supported neighbouring teeth to a dental extraction site. If you have healthy teeth on either side of your missing teeth, you're probably a good candidate for a dental bridge. Depending on how well-anchored those neighbouring teeth are, you may need to use one on each side to anchor your bridge (canines are bulky, have long roots and are good teeth for holding a bridge...lateral incisors are much smaller and therefore aren't). In some cases you might need to anchor your bridge to more than one tooth on each side of your missing tooth.

Your best bet is to have a Dentist assess your neighbouring teeth for suitability as bridge anchors (also known as "abutment teeth").