“Can you get a temporary tooth while waiting for implants?”
I will get a dental implant. Can you get a temporary tooth while waiting for implants?
3 Answers
You can get a temporary removable tooth, while waiting for the dental implant to be osseointegrated, depending on the amount of bone and the extent of the dental surgery!
In some cases a permanent temporary tooth can be be fabricated, That also depends on the dentist who performed the dental implant surgery!
As a rule we do not want the temporary to disturb the wound healing and impinging on the gum for few days. Unless the temporary is not disturbing the tooth implant and the surrounding surgical site, it is possible to get a temporary tooth right after surgical intervention.
For more information on dental tooth implant, click here:
In some cases a permanent temporary tooth can be be fabricated, That also depends on the dentist who performed the dental implant surgery!
As a rule we do not want the temporary to disturb the wound healing and impinging on the gum for few days. Unless the temporary is not disturbing the tooth implant and the surrounding surgical site, it is possible to get a temporary tooth right after surgical intervention.
For more information on dental tooth implant, click here: