“Can you go to a chiropractor once?”
I am a 19 year old male and I have back pain. I want to know if you can go to a chiropractor once?
8 Answers
Sure. Why not?! Its your body you can can decide what you need. Remember, it depends what you're going for. If you have had back pain for years,you will likely need a care plan until your sysmptoms subside. We are not in the miracle business. That said, you dont have to see a chiropractor three times a week to infinity and beyond. Use your judgement.
Do you go to the gym once, exercise once, or wear braces one time? Usually, it takes some time to correct an anatomical process. Or take pain killers, and cover up the problem, while the degeneration gets worse. Do it now, while you are young for the best results.
You can go to a chiropractor one time, but that may not fix the problem. It really depends on the problem. Is it acute or chronic? Is it a simple fixation or is the entire pelvis and spine misaligned? I have had several patients that came in and felt better after the first adjustment, but I have had many that were still symptomatic even after several treatments. It is best to get an exam and get a proper diagnosis with a treatment plan and try it out. Your body is yours. You can discontinue treatment anytime you like.
You can do whatever you want to do. However, there are many factors that come into play. What are your goals? Do you just want to see what it feels like to get adjusted or do you just want to get rid of your pain or do you want to fix the problem causing the pain. These all have a different answer. It's like going to the gym. You can go once and see what it's like to use the equipment but if you want to get into shape you have to go regularly and consistently to change your body.
Yes, you can go once, but unless you change your lifestyle and are very conscious of your posture and body position, the issue you are dealing with will probably come back. I see many people that come in only when they need it.