“Can you go to the gynecologist without getting a pelvic exam? ”
I would like to ask if there are other options for women that are averse to pelvic, and other intrusive exams. For example, would I be able to ask for an ultrasound or other 3D imagery exam instead?
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2 Answers
You would have to inquire among providers in your area. Often, the most informative ultrasounds of non-pregnant women are also internal. The answer depends on your purpose for seeing the gynecologist. There are some questions that cant be answered without a speculum exam or an internal ultrasound. I would encourage you to try to find a level of comfort (therapeutic alliance) with your provider, who could be a medical doctor, a nurse practitioner, a physicians assistant or a certified nurse midwife so that you can discuss your concerns and understand whether an internal exam is essential for answering your questions. This takes time and openness on your part and on the part of the provider. I am a fertility specialist, so internal exams are critical for treatment. I have had a great deal of success working patiently with women who did not think they could tolerate an exam to help them achieve their goals. For some of them, I work with a physical therapist who can teach them to tolerate an exam. She is a wonderful specialist and her help has been life-enhancing for several women who struggled with this. Warm regards, Dr. Carpenter [signature_1589971089]