Dentist Questions Dentist

Can you have a general anesthetic for dental implants?

I want to get a dental implant. Can you have a general anesthetic for dental implants?

4 Answers

Outpatient sedation for dental implants is commonly done with benzodiazepines or similar, using oral or IV administration. General anesthesia has many more risks and is usually reserved for a hospital setting using intubation. Unless there is a medical necessity or major oral surgery it is not done for a few implants since there is a higher level of risk involved with the general anesthetic procedure.
Yes you can. Many oral surgeons provide that service.
Absolutely. An oral surgeon is the one to contact. They administer general anesthesia but you may also try oral sedation.
Usually, Oral surgeons can give u IV sedation for dental implants but general anesthesia is not used commonly. Most dental implants are done under local anesthetic U can discuss it with the dentist who is going to place implants as we do not place implants. Thanks