“Can you walk after big toe fusion?”
I need to have a big toe fusion. Can you walk after big toe fusion?
13 Answers
After a big toe joint fusion you can walk. Usually depending on which joint of the big toe is fused they will angle it to a certain degree so that walking can occur.
Yes . Depending on the type of fixation ( we typically use plates/ screws ) this allows for earlier weight bearing.
You will be able to walk once the fusion site is healed. You may be on crutches for 6-8 weeks post operatively
This is a question that I cannot answer for you you need to coordinate with your surgeon who wants to do the fusion.
usually not for 8-10 wks. however, there may be better options. please look into my office version of minimal invasive surgery. can help save the joint rather then fusing it. loook at my patients testimonials on social media for reference, also on www.feetnbeyond.com
For the first 4-8 weeks after surgery it is best to stay completely off of your foot as the bone heals. Once it has healed however you will be able to walk with the fused joint.
Immediately after the surgery, you will need to be non weight bearing on the operative foot. Once the fusion is healed, you should be able to walk. I recommend you discuss with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) regarding the particulars in your case.
1st of all, there are several options for surgery, and a fusion is just one. Secondly, are you having a fusion of the 1st metatarso-phalangeal joint? Or of the interphalangeal joint of the big toe? These are quite different surgeries, and the post-operative course is different for each. In general, if you want the fusion to heal well, I would rest and elevate your foot for about 3 weeks after such surgery. But what you do and how you do it is really up to your surgeon. Some will allow weight bearing in a boot or shoe-some will not. The course of your surgery should be discussed with you by your surgeon at the pre-operative appointment.