Dentist Questions Dentist

Can you wear dentures while implants are healing?

I am a 70 year old female. I wonder if you can wear dentures while implants are healing?

5 Answers

Yes, but a relief can be done to have no pressure on the implant site, then the flipper can be used.
This is a fantastic question. I am going to encourage you to speak with your doctor about this. Usually, we recommend another type of tooth replacement while implants are healing to keep the pressure and forces off the area. There are great options to do this. As cases vary, it is tough to answer this completely. I recommend not wearing a traditional partial denture and opt for an 'ESSIX' type of tooth replacement if possible. Please, please ask your surgeon about your options before surgery. This is a great question for the doctors you are working with. 
The dentures will need to be adjusted so that they put no pressure on your gum/bone at the implant site, but yes, you can wear your dentures while your implants are healing.