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Causes of normal TSH, low T4, and lower T3?

I received blood work back showing TSH 1.6, Free T4 .68, and Free T3 102. I originally went in for fatigue, sleepwalking, weight gain, etc. I have had many symptoms of hypothyroidism for the last year and a history of autoimmune disease in my grandmother. Considering my TSH is normal, does this indicate a pituitary gland issue? If so/if not, what kind of tests should I look into to get relief? I have a doctor's appointment next week, but I want to make sure I ask for the right tests if she doesn't mention them.

Female | 22 years old
Complaint duration: 1/1/2020
Medications: N/A
Conditions: N/A

3 Answers

Yes, there may be a pituitary problem that prevents the pituitary from responding appropriately to the low thyroid hormone levels by producing Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, which should be elevated. Your physician or endocrinologist can further determine the cause of this malfunction, its extent (other hormones involved?), and the appropriate treatment.
I think you have the right questions. I hope that starting a thyroid supplement helps you to feel better.
This may be hypopituitarism, which may be tested by testing for ACTH and female hormones. If your physician is not familiar with this have her/him refer you to an endocrinologist.