Transplant Surgeon Questions Transplant Surgeon

Cirrhosis after pancreatectomy with islet cell transplantation?

If a liver transplant is needed, can a person who has had a pancreatectomy with islet cell transplantation get either a full or part liver transplant that may include a living donor for the part liver transplant?

Female | 46 years old
Complaint duration: 2 years
Medications: too many to list
Conditions: Pancreas removal with islet cell transplantation, crohn's disease, fatty liver/cirrhosis

2 Answers

Short answer is yes. There are many factors that are needed in order for someone to be deemed appropriate for a liver transplant or a partial liver transplantation. I wish you well I hope all things go well and appreciate your request my services. God bless.

Be well,Brent Reinheimer, MD
Speak to transplant Surgeon, they have to review your Hx and decide.