Gastroenterologist (Pediatric) | Pediatric Gastroenterology Questions Gastroenterologist

How to relieve being full all the time?

I feel so bloated, even after not eating too much. And I feel so full all the time, any ways to relieve this?

Male | 14 years old

4 Answers

You might want to try a diet that is lower in fiber and lower in fat. These foods tend to cause a lot of bloating and feeling of fullness. Drink plenty of water and get daily exercise.
Causes could be anywhere from constipation to leaky gut. You need to see a pediatrician and undergo full evaluation.
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Most likely you are constipated. Improve your stool pattern and see if that helps.

Simon S. Rabinowitz, PhD, MD, FAAP
It depends on a variety of factors including the kinds of foods you eat and what other symptoms you have. Try sticking to smaller frequent meals. Decrease fatty foods and drink plenty of fluids. The days you feel very full, stick to liquids including high-calorie smoothies.

Aniruddh Setya, MD, FAAP