Urologist Questions Urologist

Cloudy urine?

In the past week, I have had two-three times where I urinated and it was cloudy. Both of these times have been after long periods with no water or food. I do not feel pain when I urine. When I drink a sufficient amount of water the cloudiness is not there anymore. I also do not have any discharge from my penis. I do not know if this is a symptom of gonorrhea or anything else. Could you please help me in figuring out what is going on?

Male | 26 years old
Complaint duration: 10

2 Answers

You may be developing a urinary tract infection, which could develop when you are not urinating much due to dehydration. Keep hydrated, your urine should be almost clear, which is normal. STDs usually have a discharge even though we're not urinating at the end of the penis.

Namrata Sharma Goel, M.D.
Your cloudy urine sounds more like muscle breakdown and dehydration and an STD. With that being said a very simple urinalysis and urine culture with your primary care provider and or add an urgent care center will alleviate and illuminate all your questions and concerns right from there. Based on your description, STD would not be the top of my list. I would be testing for it to make sure that I am complete and thorough, yet would not be the top of my differential diagnosis. Please get he your analysis or urine dip as well it’s called sometimes, urine culture and you’ll know the answer in a very short period of time. Thank you for asking me and I hope you feel better and that I was assistance to you.

Be well
Brent Reinheimer, MD
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