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Cold became Covid negative and positive tests?

Hello, I recently returned from a trip. I regularly get colds from plane rides. I am also concerned about catching Covid so I wore a mask at the airport, on the plane, and in the Uber both ways. Upon return, I started to get a post nasal drip on night one, and then on day two, I had a scratchy throat. I should probably tell you I am a 3x vaxed 34 year old healthy female and have previously had Covid. The previous time I had Covid was pre-vax availability and I was essentially asymptomatic but for a nonstop headache. I took a test on day 2 and day 3. Both at-home tests were negative. The night between days 2 and 3 was terrible. Headache, sore throat, restless, coughing up phlegm, I maybe slept 2 hours in total because I was up so much because of all this. I went to the doctor who told me I just had an upper respiratory cold. That “the cold still exists not everything is Covid” I was further told you are not Covid contagious just cold contagious. He prescribes me cipro. I went home and rested because I was too tired and weak to do anything else. Cipro gave me terrible side effects so I discontinued and took doxycycline the next day and have been taking that since (2 days worth of doxy now). I was being precautious and wore a mask around my toddler for the two days worth of antibiotics.. thinking I had only a cold.

Today I have not had on a mask but kept sneezing. I thought it was weird and remembered I am 5 days from returning from our trip so it might be good to check for Covid exposure. So I took another two at-home tests. Both were positive. I’m freaking out. Have I had Covid the whole time? Is it possible to test positive on an at-home test when you just have a cold? I plan to get a PCR test tomorrow, is this more sensitive than at-home tests? Is it possible to have a cold and then Covid rears its head? When did I start being contagious? How long do I isolate for? When can I be around my family? I’m so worried and irritated by how this all has transpired for me. Can I keep taking the doxycycline? But for the itchy nose and sneezing, I feel a lot better.

Female | 34 years old
Complaint duration: 5
Medications: Doxycycline

2 Answers

PCR is the best test, sometimes you can have flu and covid at the same time, if you are fully vaccinated the quarantine time is only 5 days, as long as you are asymptomatic. Is better to f/u with your doctor about the Doxycycline. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water with electrolytes. Hope you feel better soon!

Thank you ,
Luz A López , md
Ohana Kids & Family Kare
It sounds like you have probably had COVID BA5 the whole time you have had symptoms since you got home. The rapid COVID antigen tests usually don’t turn positive until 2-3 days after the PCR tests are positive. I don’t know why your doctor gave you Cipro for a viral infection as it will have no effect against any virus. Also, doxycycline will not affect viruses, so you should stop it. You should isolate for 5 days after your first positive antigen test and then wear a good, tight fitting N95 mask whenever in contact with other people until your antigen test turns negative which will probably occur 8-10 days after your first positive test. As you are vaccinated, boosted, are young and otherwise healthy and have had previous infection, your risk of severe disease or hospitalization is very low. Get well soon.