“Comforting a blister?”
Female | 38 years old
Complaint duration: 03 Days
Medications: None
Conditions: Friction blister
15 Answers
Jan David Tepper DPM,FACFAS
CEO Family Foot & Ankle Center
984 West Foothill Boulevard, Suite B
Upland, California 91786
O 909-920-0884
F 909/920-9810
Jonathan M. Kletz, DPM
Texas Foot WorksDallas, Athens and Gun Barrel City Texas214-340-8885
It can then be covered with a band-aid and antibiotic ointment.
The trick is to rest as much as possible while it is healing. Basically the top layer of the skin as to grow back. Do not remove the top of the blister.
The next step, once it’s healed is to figure out why this happened. It might have been from an ill fitting shoe. It could also be from the way you walk with causes too much pressure at the ball of the foot. In this instance, paddings can be added in the shoes to decrease the friction. Even a custom molded orthotics can be a great way to prevent future issues.
When in doubt, call your podiatrist!