Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

Confused about ECG result?

I have attached two images of ECG results that I have gotten and they have the same interpretation by a cardiologist in the top right corner (normal sinus rhythm and normal ECG). I have gotten lots of ECGs over the past 4 years due to my history with an eating disorder. My current symptoms include chest pain (dull ache that won't go away), palpitations, extreme fatigue, throbbing headache (that's lasted over a week), muscle aches/cramping, weakness, and fast heart rate (especially when standing or active). These symptoms could very easily be due to dehydration. However, the bloodwork that was ordered all came back normal (normal electrolytes, muscles enzymes, etc). The reason this recent ECG was ordered was mainly that when I was at the doctor I had my vitals taken and when I was laying down my heart rate was 80bpm however when I stood up my heart rate jumped to 150bpm and did not decrease until I sat down over 5 minutes later. my main question, is just if it's normal for my ECG result to be so bumpy looking in the V2 section? I compared my recent ECG (with the bumpy V2 section) to 31 of my past ECGs and none of them were bumpy like that in the V2 section. I attached one of the normal-looking eggs (no bumpy V2 section) too. Also, why is my heart aching so much if the ECG is normal? does that mean there's nothing wrong?

Female | 21 years old
Complaint duration: 10 days
Medications: None
Conditions: Unknown

2 Answers

The symptoms of chest pain, palpitations, fatigue, muscle ache, eating disorder, and headaches may have multiple conditions.
The patient requires to have: 1. Holter monitoring, 2. ECHO of the heart, 3. psycological assesment, 4. rule out a split seond cardic sound,

She may have an anxiety disorder, obstructive cardiomyopathy, an outoinmune disorder, panic attacks,
Get a Holter monitor and have a consultation with your cardiologist.