Gastroenterologist Questions Constipation


I've been constipated for a week. I take senna daily and 2 days after I realized I was not going I started miralax. I went to the doctor and I had an xray. No blockage. He said to take the miralax twice a day and sent in a prescription for linzess? Instead of the senna. The pharmacy is out of that and the doctors is closed for the weekend. I've been having little bursts of diarrhea but nothing solid. Should I try a suppository or another laxative? Could a blockage develop before I can reach the doctor again? Thank you so much for your time.

Female | 37 years old
Complaint duration: 7 days
Medications: Senna, miralax, omeprazole, pepcid, spironolactone
Conditions: Chrons

3 Answers

If you are unable to reach your doctor and the Linzess is not available, you can try an over-the-counter Dulcolax suppository or a Fleet enema. These products usually work fairly quickly. I would also continue the senna and Miralax until the Linzess becomes available, as your colon is likely used to the stimulant laxative.
A blockage should not develop.
Take an enema or suppository to help the bowel move.
Another option is to be more aggressive with Miralax and Ducolax. For example, when we prep patients for a colonoscopy to clean out the colon, we tell patients to take 4 dulcolax at the same time to stimulate the bowel.
Yes you can try a suppository or an enema. He stopped senna because it can cause dependency. You can also ask your GI if they have any Linzess samples until you’re able to obtain your prescription.