Surgeon Questions surgeon

Feeling of adrenaline?

I'm a 55 year old male and I had gallbladder surgery 6 weeks ago. The digestion has been good and surgery wounds feel healed. Since then I have been feeling hyper, heart rate not too fast (90 resting 125-130 exercising) but heart pounding and some ectopic beats, I can feel it in my head and it is causing terrible insomnia. It feels like a constant adrenaline rush 24/7. I had lost significant weight (25 lbs) going into the surgery And have an appetite now but not gaining weight back which concerns me. I tested 6 weeks ago TSH was .88. T3 and T4 were not tested. I have had some tremors hands and legs. Seeing my doctor this week and will have bloodwork done. The adrenaline feels so real like I have some other issue going on though I know it could be extreme stress. Is there anything I should be asking him to focus on or any special tests I should have performed?

Male | 55 years old
Complaint duration: 6 weeks
Medications: None
Conditions: No prior conditions

3 Answers

Recommend work up for thyroid and adrenal gland including cortisol and markers for pheochromocytoma. Possibly see an endocrinologist.
Consult Endocrinology for full work up of thyroid, pancreas and adrenal glands.
I am a GI doctor so I am not the right kind of doctor to address your concerns. Continue with the work up per your current doctors.