“Could a big belly indicate a heart problem?”
My husband is putting on weight around his belly region. Could this be indicative of a heart problem in the future? What precautions should we be taking?
6 Answers

Mark Rasak
Yes. If the belly is big due to water accumulation called ascites, then right-sided heart failure could be the cause. A 2-D Echo would help assess the heart and the right ventricular function. An ultrasound of the belly can help tell if there is any fluid in the belly.
Yes, there is a relationship between increasing abdominal girth and heart disease. Cutting out carbohydrates, drinking alcohol only 1-1.5 glasses of wine each time, eating light dinners, and exercising are some ways to attack it.
Abdominal obesity is associated with the metabolic syndrome of diabetes or insulin resistance, cholesterol abnormalities such as high triglycerides, and hypertension. It is of concern and is associated with cardiovascular problems. Your husband should be on a weight loss diet and should exercise regularly. He should see a doctor and have his blood pressure and cholesterol checked and get nutritional advice and whatever other work-up the doctor deems necessary. He should be checked for diabetes.

Julia G. Ansari
Obesity and development of diabetes and high blood pressure that are associated with obesity can put him at risk of development of coronary artery disease and heart attack. He should start exercising and losing weight and follow a healthier diet.