Allergist and Immunologist | Allergy Questions Allergist-Immunologist


On Thursday, July 30th, 2020, I went to an urgent care because of constant itching, irritation, and redness on my back, shoulders, arms, elbows, legs, hands, and feet. The doctor told me I contracted dermatitis (but did not specify the type). The redness was symmetric meaning the symptoms were on both sides of my shoulders, arms, elbows, legs, etc.

I was prescribed prednisone and diphenhydramine HCL (25 mg) and they worked extremely well. Currently, a small amount of redness will appear on one part (sometimes two parts) of my body but will disappear on its own within 5 to 10 minutes. Also, there is little or no need to scratch because the itching is not intense. Also, the redness is not irritable. Approximately 30 to 45 minutes later (sometimes longer), redness will show up again on one or two parts of my body and simply disappear (without the need to scratch the area). Are there any over the counter medications or home remedies I can use to prevent the redness from appearing on my skin or will it eventually stop?

Male | 53 years old
Complaint duration: 8 days
Medications: Diphenhydramine HCL and Prednisone.
Conditions: Dermatitis

1 Answer

Avoiding redness is one of the questions of the century and the plain truth is we don't have a universal answer. It sounds like you are experiencing Urticaria (hives). I recommend seeing a dermatologist and an allergist to find treatment. Urticaria can escalate into angioedema which can be life threatening. Please seek care immediately (go to the ER) if you ever have redness and swelling in the eyes, mouth, tongue, or throat. Take care!
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