Dentist Questions Dentist

Do I need dental anesthesia to get my wisdom teeth removed?

I am a 23 year old female and I need my wisdom teeth removed. Do I need dental anesthesia to get my wisdom teeth removed?

5 Answers

There are different types of anesthesia and sedations. Local anesthesia, yes, you will need that. General anesthesia or conscious sedation are optional, and some offices offer those for patients' comfort.
Many patients have wisdom teeth removed with local anesthetic. Discuss your concerns with your American Dental Association oral surgeon.
Novocaine is necessary. General anesthesia is sometimes recommended, depending on the situation and the patient.
It depends on your stress level. You definitely will need local anesthesia. If the extraction is very difficult, the IV sedation is recommended. Check with your oral surgeon.
You definitely need anesthesia. Either local (Novocaine) or general ( where you are put to sleep). This is a discussion you should have with your dentist.

Drew Shulman, DMD, MAGD