Nurse Questions surgeon

Do antibiotics help in wound healing?

I have a wound infection. Do antibiotics help in wound healing?

4 Answers

Only if they are infected
Management of a wound infection involves opening the wound, draining any contained purulent fluid and debridement of any necrotic or devitalized tissued. Antibiotics are only need if there is a deep space infection that cannot be drained or there are signs of a systemic infection such as fever, and or elevated white blood cell count. I would also use antibiotics if there is implanted material in the site of infection (mesh, graft) that cannot be removed. Otherwise antibiotics are unnecessary and may do more harm.
What mostly helps is excellent nutrition. The body's innate wound healing system has to be optimized. Consult Functional or Integrative Medicine.
Yes. Antibiotics do help heal wound infections. However, it is best to have the wound cultured and tested for sensitivity first in order to know which antibiotic works on that particular bacteria.