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Audrey C. Durrant


Dr. Audrey Durrant is a general pediatric surgeon practicing in Urbana, IL. Dr. Durrant is board certified in general surgery and has undergone additional fellowship training in pediatric surgery. Pediatric surgeons have expertise in the diagnosis and care of premature and newborn infants, children and adolescents. They are the last of the true general surgeons - the motto of the pediatric surgeon is "from the womb to the tomb".
25 years Experience
Audrey C. Durrant
  • Urbana, IL
  • Umdnj-Robert Wood Johnson
  • Accepting new patients


What is that Bulge? - The Pediatric Inguinal Hernia

Pediatric inguinal hernia repairs are one of the most common procedures performed by pediatric surgeons. And parents will present to us with a child who has a bulge in the groin...


Leaking G-Tube Solutions

Leaking gastrostomy tubes, the hidden nightmare haunting pediatric surgeons. These tubes, often inserted either temporarily to help an infant overcome feeding aversion can become...