Dentist Questions Dentist

Do cavities need to be filled immediately?

I noticed a cavity on my tooth. What should I do? Do cavities need to be filled immediately?

3 Answers

The best answer would be as soon as possible. If the decay gets large,r pain and infection may occur requiring more extensive treatment and cost.
The longer you wait, the bigger the cavity gets. Remember, it is bacteria eating away at your tooth structure. Would you leave bacteria eating the skin of your hand? Get your filling done when diagnosed.
Yes, they do. If you see them, they're real big underneath and the longer you wait, the higher the risk of pain, swelling, and tooth loss there is. If you see one, you may have 10 or more cavities. Post-Covid people who came in at regular times had less cavities, but overall a lot of people are having a lot of cavities which are caused by stress, dry mouths, more snacking and sugary drinks between meals. The people that had cavities prior to covid and didn’t come back in are having trouble with abscesses and tooth loss now. And the cavities have went from a few to many. See a dentist as soon as you can is my advice!