Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Do eye drops help with glaucoma?

I was diagnosed with glaucoma and want to treat it. Do eye drops help with glaucoma?

4 Answers

Very specific prescription eye drops. Must see a specialist.
The answer to this question is YES, BUT.......Glaucoma eye drops definitely can help reduce your eye pressure depending upon the type of glaucoma that has been diagnosed, and there are many types of glaucoma problems. If you have an open angle type of glaucoma, then your eye doctor will initially prescribe 1 or more drops in order to determine if your pressures are low enough so that there is no potential for optic nerve damage. There may be a need to change the dosage or the drop depending upon a "trial" of the initially prescribed drops. Another type of glaucoma is narrow angle or closed angle glaucoma which is usually treated with a laser surgical procedure in order to allow the aqueous fluid to flow normally and to reduce your eye pressure. Drops may not be needed. It is very important that you follow your eye doctor's plan and to always get your follow up examinations which will include dilation to check the optic nerve, visual field tests, pachymetry/corneal measurements, and exact monitoring and usage of any prescribed glaucoma eye drops. Good luck and best wishes.
Yes proper glaucoma pressure lowering eyedrops can help glaucoma. Your eyecare doctor ,.will help determine how low your pressure needs to be. Sometimes you may need more than one drop to lower the pressure. Sent from the all new AOL app for iOS